Charles Schwab Derails Kim & Author’s Wedding Plans


Please note: The events that follow all occurred while stockbroker Charles Schwab was working for President Bush as leader of his Economics Council.

The Stockbroker’s Lady
Chapter 3
Wealthy Stockbroker Turns Cage Fighter

Charles Schwab Derails Author’s Wedding Plans

By June 2002 Schwab had spent almost seven months trying to convince Kim that I was a bad guy only interested in her money, and that she should leave me and return to him. Schwab’s constant harassment and financial pressure (blackmail) kept Kim and me weary and stressed to the limit but somehow we were weathering the storm. We were sticking to our plans to get married. Though we avoided the subject, I think we both assumed that once we were married Schwab would give up and leave us alone. Being much smarter now, I realize how desperate Schwab was because he had involved Kim financially in Micron’s attempt to take over Hynix. Once Schwab realized his efforts to destroy our relationship were not working, he decided to play rougher.

Kim was upset and shaken one day when she came to me and said, Charles is summoning me to his office in San Francisco. He says he wants to discuss our financial agreements, which means he wants to talk about the twenty-million dollars I owe him.” We both knew this meant trouble and the outcome of their meeting was not going to be pleasant.

On the morning of her departure for Portland where Schwab’s corporate jet would be waiting, Kim was apprehensive. She was full of anxiety and said, I just dread having to face Charles and find out what he has in store for me. His loan is in default and my fate is in his hands.” She again lamented the fact she would be ruined financially if he were to call the loan he had arranged only so she could buy Micron stock. Kim told me again how she could lose her family’s fortune that, ironically, Schwab was managing since he had full control of her finances. I found it amazing; if Charles, with his billions of dollars loved Kim so much and was so desperate to have her back, why didn’t he just forgive his loan and the financial mess he got her into? Why not try to treat her nice? After all, according to her, his loan was no more than what he paid for a single painting at an art auction in Europe.

Despite her fear about what lie in store, Kim did her best to maintain her composure and positive outlook as she embarked on her journey to San Francisco. As with previous travels and meetings with Schwab, Kim would have access to a computer and would send an occasional email to let me know how things were going. In the afternoon on the day she arrived at Charles Schwab headquarters she wrote, We have completed our business meeting (discussed further on) and Charles has invited me into his office for a private conversation.” 

She surprised me later when she wrote, Ive been talking with Charles and he told me to apologize to you on his behalf for what he might have done to you. He told me he was only trying to protect his interests.” Right. Was this jerk trying to make me laugh?  He spends all these months stalking us, denigrating my character, and lying to Kim about me chasing  women in order to protect his interests? Was Kim so naïve she couldnt see that Charles Schwab was just another rich psychopath. Schwab’s power over Kim was such that his explanation seemed to bring her relief. She was prepared to forgive him and even defend his actions.

Kim did not understand that since I had reported Schwab’s illegal activities to President Bush, his key cabinet members, and leaders in Congress, he could be in trouble. The real reason for apologizing at this point was, he realized I was not easily frightened and what he had done to us backfired on him. In any case, his apologies were childish and pathetic.

When Kim got home that evening, she was exhausted and distraught. After settling down for a while she told me about her long day. When she arrived at Charles Schwab headquarters she was ushered into Schwabs office where he and his attorneys were waiting. As expected, they wanted to discuss Schwab’s $20 million loan and reminded her that Schwab could legally call his loan at any time. Kim reminded me again. Think of the consequences, Wayne. If Charles called his loan he would take everything I put up as collateral and I would be wiped out. I would end up with nothing.”

This was only the lead in, for Schwab and his attorneys had cleverly worked out a deal for Kim that she couldnt refuse. She said, They handed me a contract to sign that stipulated, if I agreed to not marry you, Charles would not call his loan. If I refused to sign he was prepared to call his loan.” Schwab was using blackmail to control Kim’s personal life. Kim said, “Wayne, Charles left me no choice.” I held her in my arms as she began to cry bitterly. Wayne, I am so sorry but I had no choice but to sign Charles’ contract”. 

This was beyond my comprehension and I became overwhelmed with anger. One of the worlds most wealthy and powerful men, used to having everything he ever wanted, was torturing and blackmailing this helpless woman, even denying her right to marry someone she loved. Such are the ways of the rich and powerful men we so admire. As Kim told me about what Schwab was doing to us my resolve to get even was only greater.

Learning later that the US Government was conspiring with Schwab to protect him and silence me was even more shocking. It was more than any human should have to bare. Despite warnings from my closest friends that my life was in danger, and that I should forget everything and walk away, I knew the only way Schwab and the US Government could silence me was to kill me. I had met some really bad people in my life, but none so evil as Charles Schwab.

After regaining her composure, Kim tried to assure me, even though we could not get married we could still live together. Though I knew Schwab would never let up, I didn’t interrupt her dream. I did ask, How is it legally possible that someone can prevent someone else from marrying whomever they choose?” It was a rhetorical question, but Kim responded, “Charles never does anything without his attorneys going over every detail. Believe me, I have no way out this.” Despite how Schwab had been torturing her all these months, she again came to his defense, assuring me that Schwab was only doing this to protect his interests. I believe it was Kims innocence and naïveté that allowed her to become so entangled and controlled by this evil man who she claimed was a family friend. Men like Schwab don’t have friendships that dont come without personal gain and power. 

In coming days Kim continued to be distraught, repeating her complaints about Schwabs interference in her life. She would say, Charles controls my life and I never will never be free of him.” Remember, though he wasn’t yet calling his loan, she still owed him $20 million. Her emotional turmoil and sense of desperation were such that on one occasion she was only half joking when she offered a solution. She said, Wayne, what I should do is go ahead and marry Charles. He’s so busy all the time he would never  bother me. Then you and I could continue our relationship on the side.” Kim was desperate, and seriously looking for a way out of her dilemma. I wondered how many wealthy mens spouses have sought such arrangements. The TV series Desperate Housewives came to mind.

Kim and I made up an excuse and let our families and friends know our wedding plans had been postponed, but we would continue living together.

We would soon learn that our troubles had only begun.

Please Note:

If rich men like Charles Schwab & the US Government are committing these crimes against me, think about how many other Americans are being subjected to the same treatment.

When Sigmund Freud wrote and told a friend, “For the most part humans are nothing by trash”, he wasn’t talking about the workers and poor people, he was talking about people like Charles Schwab & US Government officials who conspired with him abuse my Civil Rights and attempt to lock me up in prison or kill me.

If you want to learn how the US justice system fails common people, watch Netflix’s “Making a Murderer”. Innocent men like Steve Avery are locked up in prison while super criminals like Charles Schwab free to continue their evil ways–with the US Government’s full support.

Website by Wayne Pierce & IBM associates with rights

Published:  23 January 2022

Revised:  27 January 2022