Screw the old men desperate to drive: New Day Bakery’s Poison Center

May 29, 2024

Screw the old men desperate to drive.

Oregon’s Governor Koteck thinks it’s okay for New Day Bakery to serve poison treats  Charles Schwab’s victim like me. Keep those old drivers off the streets.

Don’t make work for DMV officers who are busy l pulling jokes on old men desperate to get a rid of their doctor’s office.

May 20, 2924

Oregon Governor’s none response

Should I be surprised that Governors Tina Koteck ignores how Charles Schwab continues to try make me ill and kill me while she and her DMV agents are happy to stand about and watch. Though I am innocent of any crimes, and she did not even respond to Schwab’s DMV hoax until almost a year after the fact, she and her “officers” entertain themselves by creating ways for which Schwab’s agents can prevent me from driving.

I am sure the governor and Charles Schwab really enjoyed hearing about the several times the owner of New Day Bakery caused me to shit my pants.

I now wait to see how ill I might become due to New Day’s owner’s collusion with Schwab’s agents.

Please keep in mind, Schwab, has spent twenty years working with the his Secret Service & the US Government to destroy me. You can read the whole story in my book Amazon refuses to sell.

Schwab & Oregon’s Governor are not the only ones trying to kill me.

Schwab’s big problem occurred when President Bush found out he was married, and lost his lost chance of become Bush’s Treasury Secretary. Schwab and Bush were so upset they Schwab and his SS team tried to frame me for attempted to kill Schwab. The their plan didn’t work, and Schwab has spent twenty years dealing with his embarrassing.

Schwab’s grand plan for destroying me occurred on New Year’s Eve, 2023. The story about how Schwab’s agents tried to kidnap me from the hospital is published on this Blog.  I can’t escape Schwab because he and Oregon’s Governor won’t allow me to drive.

Starting twenty ago, Schwab and the FBI have been colluding with my doctors. Some of my doctor stories are discussed here and in my book. Doctor Names are included.

As suspected, the FBI and Schwab’s agents have made sure no doctors would agree I should drive. I would have been better off to allow Schwab’s agents to kidnap be from the hospital.

New Day Bakery:  Special Treat

I did not realize what was happening at the time, but around six months, after breakfast at New Day I was on my way home when I suddenly developed a serious need for bowel movement. This was serious, and I tried to focus on something else while trying to keep control.

As I turned onto my street, I knew I was running out of time and I hate to open the car door or I was going to make a terrible mess. As I stepped out of the car I lost control and the proceeded to shit my pants. My breakfast was sliding down both pant legs as I tried to make in inside.

I experienced two more accidents similar to this before New Day was adding poison to my food. I was now faced with the possibility I could be suffering long-term effects of the poison.

I published this post a couple days after being fed the poison tuna sandwich.

Now I am left to figure out how long I have been poisoned, and how this has affected my health.

Bill’s Killer Tuna Sandwich

A couple days ago, everything started to make sense. I realized that I was in more danger than I could have imagined.

I am so bothered by knowing what’s been go on the trust want to the sofa and take another nap.
Back to the bakery where the owner was offering the make me a tuna sandwich. I thought Bill the owner as being weird, but figured he was protective of his crew of young girls.
He prepared my tuna sand and then left me by myself.
I was in a grumpy mood and only finished half the sandwich before walking out.
Bill was a being a real jerk and I was fed up with him.
That night I was extra tired, so went to bed early. About 9:30
As usual, I had no problem getting to sleep. But in the middle of the night I awoke in sever pain everywhere. My arm and legs hurt. My hands hurt.
I was afraid of all the pain and seriously thought I might be dying. I did not know what to do.
I think it was around three in the morning when I got out of bend so I could try to walk around and getting myself moving. I was cautious with my first steps, but the then felt okay. Maybe I wasn’t going to die.
I had been eating at New Day Bakery for years, and was used to the
FBI or Schwab Secret Service Agents lurking about. Bill, the owner, was an old hippie and seemed too ignored who I assumed were Schwab’s Secret Service agents.


May 17, 2024

Hanna in corner booth at New Day Bakery: Vintage 2007?


FBI Stalking: New Day Bakery

New Day Bakery FBI encounter

One of my favorite places for breakfast in Eugene, Oregon is New Day Bakery. I like the place because the produce & bread are alway fresh. And they aways use real butter. Very important on this side of two town, the prices are very reasonable.

I was sitting at a table as usual when I noticed two seedy characters  come inside. At first I thought they were dressed in Halloween costumes. But these guys were much to old and serious.

As I watched them looking for a table, and especially when he had is eye at mine, I knew they were FBI agents. Or Patsies they hire to work for them.  There were plenty of booths and empty tables available, so why was one is such a hurry to over and asking if could join me a my table?

One of these strange men asked if he could join me and without waiting for my response sat down next to me. The other man sat at nearby at a table facing us. By the thine these two characters were seated and watching me finish eating my breakfast. The man seated next to me was eager to get to know me. He commented about my being in shorts in this cold weather. I went along and told him I was a mountain man from California. He commented about my Pendleton shirt which I ignored.

I wasn’t hiding the fact I knew these guys were FBI agents, or patsies he I wanted nothing  to do with them. I was doing be best to ignore them while reaching for walking  my stick. I was stanning when the first guy said,  it sure was nice of you to let us sit with you.

I turned looked at him closely for the for the first time. I said, no problem. We always have room for FBI agents.

This caught him by surprise and he didn’t know what to say. He blew it when he said, You aren’t a very good judge of character.