Letter to Oregon Governor Tina Kotek

Wayne Pierce
3679 Kevington Ave
Eugene, OR 97405

Oregon Governor Tina Koteck
DMV Service
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem, OR 947314

June 3, 202024

Subject: Oregon DMV Letter of December 4, 2023

Dear Governor Koteck,

If you have read my book, or taking a look at my website, you know that Charles Schwab and his Secret Service company has been truing to eliminate me from his life for many years. Both of our lives became very complicated when many years ago I met his girlfriend on a dating site many years ago, causing her to break up with him.

He had exposed himself insider trading charges, which did’t fare well with President Bush who had plans to promote Schwab to Secretary of Treasury. Making things more difficult, Schwab had involved his girlfriend Kim Insider Trading schemes she did not understand.

My story about how Schwab derailed Kim’s and my plans to become married were tough on everyone involved, especially Kim, who was under Schwab’s complete control.

Schwab’s insider trading involved shares in Micron Corporation founded by Kim’s father. In any case, Schwab was in charge of Kim’s financial plans I won’t try to explain here.

All of this made lots of trouble for Schwab, the least of which was the possibly prison time. Of course, I became a target for Schwab, and I had very good reason to fear him and his 

SS agents. It’s important to point out Schwab’s SS agents were working with the FBI for many years. The story is in my book.

Since Schwab lost his opportunity to become US Treasury Secretary, he has been very upset with me, and I have been in his plagued anger ever since. 

The use of DMV suspension program against me is a new ploy by Schwab’s SS agents. Schwab has been colluding with my doctor for many years, starting with Dr. Nancy Maloney. Medical clinics like McKenzie Heart Group have under Dr. Patric Bergin became involved a few years ago and and have worked hard to ruin my health ever since. One only need observe how Oregon’s DMV program is operated in a manner that assures victims like me alway fail and trapped the rest of our lives. DMV officers do not hesitate to make up lie and make up stories that might might cause us risk our lives or kill us.

One example: After receiving a flyer in the mail that recommended I might apply to get my driver’s back, I called a DMV Officer to enquire about this option. The officer I talked to was quick to let me know my time had expired and this would not work for me. Well, yes. After I received notice that I was in trouble with DMV, I wrote to you explained my whole story about how this was Charles Schwab hoax. 

After you failed to respond for around six months, I figure you were going dry drop the case. Because I am sure Charles Schwab’s agents become involved, I was put back into the fire the DMV fire where I remain stuck. 

My doctors, who are now in bed with Charles Schwab and DMV await more lies about how the system failed, and doctors that were supporting me had, and I would have to find those doctors and try again. 

I doubt you and you DMV officers have any idea what the trouble I go through though trying to keep ahead of Charles Schwab agents trying to harm or kill me.

There might bb hope, for we have information that leads us believe President Trump is working with a famous attorney and Netflix to produce a movie about my case. If at all possible, I need you help in regaining my driving privileges before anyone proceeds with such projects. 


Wayne Pierce


Charges Schwab Collusion With Doctors, Hospitals, and DMV

May 26, 2924

In early chapters of my book, the focus of my story is on my battle with the US Government and Charles Schwab. I was subjected to numerous sting operations in which in which the US Government and Schwab and began their twenty year war against me. The FBI was colluding with my doctors, beginning with Dr. Malone from Oregon Medical Group and a few others. Looking back, Charles Schwab agents were becoming imbedded with all my doctors, some twenty years ago. Schwab and the government was also trying to frame me for trying to kill Schwab, and other elaborate sting operations.

Some years ago I began work my book in which I was determine to tell my whole story. Schwab put his corporate attorneys work, sending threatening letters. But my story was already published. Schwab’s friend, Jeff Bezos at Amazon has done a great job of suppressing my story. But my story was out and Schwab was in charge. I would be lucky to escape his swarm of agents and come out alive.

The Charles Schwab’s entrance into my life

May 18, 2024

My introduction to cardiology

There came a time when was having noticeable problems with my heart and knew I must do something about it. I began studying the Internet figured the first thing I needed was a good heart surgeon. After my 25 years of smoking, I could feel the pain and knew I didn’t have lots of time.

I searched the Internet and discovered a heart clinic nearby at McKenzie-Willamette Hospital. My primary doctor referred me there for an agro gram.

Russian doctor who performed my angiogram made strange noises while studying the images of my heart expressed shock when he saw the condition of my heart, and told I needed immediate quad bypass surgery. He told the nursing staff to admit me.

My cardiologist came to my room and changed the plan. He told the staff, because the surgery team was no available, they could sent me home and have be return on Monday. I went home to get on the Internet and search for a heart surgeon.

We took my angiogram images and drove across town McKenzie-Hospital. When we arrived, the staff was confused and not prepared for us. I was a real site, sitting at the hospital entrance, showing the staff my heart images and telling them I needed surgery.

The staff suddenly joined US, and I was introduced me to their Office Manager, Terry Higley. Terry and would become a great friend, and often talked about how she saved my life.  Terry took me inside and introduced to me to Dr. Paulson, a cardiologist who checked my angiograms. He agreed I needed quad bypass surgery.

I went home , got on the Internet and searched for a. heart surgeon in the area. Indeed, I discovered Dr. Armitage who sounded to me like the man I wanted to do my heart surgery.

As it turned out McKenzie-Willamett Hospital t ready for me either, so I would rest at home until Monday. But within a couple days I joined Dr. Armitage for his five-hour surgery that saved my life.

I can recall my time at McKenzie-Willamette hospital, but my stay was very traumatic.  My first doctor after my heart surgery was Doctor Paulson, but I don’t recall much about him.

My first cardiologist was a doctor at Samaritan in Corvallis who came around and told the Cardiology crew they could send me until Monday.

McKenzie Heart Group: Dr. Patrick Bergin

Terry Higley, office manager for the cardiology group, probably introduced me to Dr. Bergin, but I am not sure. Bergin appeared to be the leader of the small group of doctors, and Terry seemed to have high regards for him. I do not recall how I met Dr. Bergin. But it could have been while he was performing the angiogram for me. Indeed, I think he inserted a few stents to keep my heart working.

May 23, 2924

From the time I started working with Dr. Bergin, my blood pressure was very high, so he and he started me I on Iberbesartan and Hyhydrochlorothiazid. However, from the time we started this routine, my blood pressure remained the same. When visited Dr. Bergin, I reminded him my blood pressure medication was not working. He just ignored me, so I just ignored my high blood pressure. But this habit was about to catch up with us.

Prostate Surgery: Dr. Long

I was getting old and developing problems, so Dr. Long recommended the prostate surgery to get me going again. This was to be a be a simple surgery, the most serious part being the anesthetic. When I arrived at OR, the anesthesiologist was there with a worried look on his face. Dr. Long arrived and the anesthesiologist told him my blood pressure was too high, and he would not approve of my surgery. Everyone agreed and I was sent home.

When we trie the next day, the anesthesiologist injected me with medication to lower my blood pressure, and we were able to proceed with the surgery.

Spine Surgeries: Dr. Ching

For Dr. Ching’s next two surgeries, medication was used to lower my blood pressure. The surgeries were performed in Tualatan, and would require the they be redone.

Spine Surgeries: Dr. Bergin, Gallo and Dr. Burkert 

I was working with Dr. Ching who had already performed cervical and some type lumbar surgery on me, but neither were successful.

By the time, I was very ill due to heart and kidney failure. I was still telling Dr. Bergin Irbesartan  was  still not to controlling  my blood pressure. I was  becoming very ill and starting to panic. I had evidence my kidneys were failing and decided to prove it. For my next appointment with Dr. Bergin, I took a sample of my urine that was the color of coffee. I do no recall his response, but he referred be to Dr. Gallo who he said was a friend.

The plan was for Gallo to perform Lumbar and Cervical spine surgeries.

Dr. Gallo visit

When I met Dr. Gallo for my pre-op visit, I knew from her demeanor that she was not pleased with me. This was fine, because had not been pleased with my self for several years. This okay because still rather naive about heart and kidney health. And I was rather stupid for putting my faith in Dr. Bergin.

Dr. Gallo wasted little time, letting me know I she didn’t I was healthy enough for surgery. She said, I don’t want risk having die while I am performing surgery on you. I knew Dr. Bergin was going to get a good ass chewing from most respected neurosurgeons in this part of the country. I was so happy to learn that Dr. Gallo involved with my care.

Please Note: This was the fourth time I had been prepared for surgery, but was rejected due to Dr. Bergin’s poor care. Why would I be suffering from poor care when he and other doctors like knew I was being prepared for surgery? And remember, at the time Dr. Bergin referred me to Dr. Gallo, she was appalled to what poor shape I was in.

May 28, 2024

Dr. Bergin goes to work on heart and kidneys.

Doctor Begin called me in one day and told me about Dr. Gallo’s concerns about my health. I knew I was in bad shape and did not require much convincing.

Bergin started writing prescriptions for what I thought were mostly diuretics. We were soon testing and discovered my blood pressure was still very hight, but my kidneys were doing a great job. I do not recall what affect this had on my blood pressure, but I think based on my reaction, I think they once more had pump me full of blood thinners.

Dr. Blake Burkert

Dr. Gallo was planning to do my two surgeries, but she switched and allowed her new partner, Dr. Burkert, to take over. Interestingly, Dr. Gallo was performing surgeries at Peace Health, and Dr. Burkert was performing their surgeries at Mckenzie-Willmette.  This was rather curious, but I  soon learn what was going on.

Governor Koteck, please note, Charles Schwab’s Secret Servos was about take over management of McKezie-Willamette Hospital. I was there attempting to work with Dr. Burkert, while hospital staff interfered every with Dr. Burkert’s plans every day, until I was forced to leave the hospital.


Pease note: I discuss my hospital kidnapping elsewhere on this Blog.

Screw the old men desperate to drive: New Day Bakery’s Poison Center

May 29, 2024

Screw the old men desperate to drive.

Oregon’s Governor Koteck thinks it’s okay for New Day Bakery to serve poison treats  Charles Schwab’s victim like me. Keep those old drivers off the streets.

Don’t make work for DMV officers who are busy l pulling jokes on old men desperate to get a rid of their doctor’s office.

May 20, 2924

Oregon Governor’s none response

Should I be surprised that Governors Tina Koteck ignores how Charles Schwab continues to try make me ill and kill me while she and her DMV agents are happy to stand about and watch. Though I am innocent of any crimes, and she did not even respond to Schwab’s DMV hoax until almost a year after the fact, she and her “officers” entertain themselves by creating ways for which Schwab’s agents can prevent me from driving.

I am sure the governor and Charles Schwab really enjoyed hearing about the several times the owner of New Day Bakery caused me to shit my pants.

I now wait to see how ill I might become due to New Day’s owner’s collusion with Schwab’s agents.

Please keep in mind, Schwab, has spent twenty years working with the his Secret Service & the US Government to destroy me. You can read the whole story in my book Amazon refuses to sell.

Schwab & Oregon’s Governor are not the only ones trying to kill me.

Schwab’s big problem occurred when President Bush found out he was married, and lost his lost chance of become Bush’s Treasury Secretary. Schwab and Bush were so upset they Schwab and his SS team tried to frame me for attempted to kill Schwab. The their plan didn’t work, and Schwab has spent twenty years dealing with his embarrassing.

Schwab’s grand plan for destroying me occurred on New Year’s Eve, 2023. The story about how Schwab’s agents tried to kidnap me from the hospital is published on this Blog.  I can’t escape Schwab because he and Oregon’s Governor won’t allow me to drive.

Starting twenty ago, Schwab and the FBI have been colluding with my doctors. Some of my doctor stories are discussed here and in my book. Doctor Names are included.

As suspected, the FBI and Schwab’s agents have made sure no doctors would agree I should drive. I would have been better off to allow Schwab’s agents to kidnap be from the hospital.

New Day Bakery:  Special Treat

I did not realize what was happening at the time, but around six months, after breakfast at New Day I was on my way home when I suddenly developed a serious need for bowel movement. This was serious, and I tried to focus on something else while trying to keep control.

As I turned onto my street, I knew I was running out of time and I hate to open the car door or I was going to make a terrible mess. As I stepped out of the car I lost control and the proceeded to shit my pants. My breakfast was sliding down both pant legs as I tried to make in inside.

I experienced two more accidents similar to this before New Day was adding poison to my food. I was now faced with the possibility I could be suffering long-term effects of the poison.

I published this post a couple days after being fed the poison tuna sandwich.

Now I am left to figure out how long I have been poisoned, and how this has affected my health.

Bill’s Killer Tuna Sandwich

A couple days ago, everything started to make sense. I realized that I was in more danger than I could have imagined.

I am so bothered by knowing what’s been go on the trust want to the sofa and take another nap.
Back to the bakery where the owner was offering the make me a tuna sandwich. I thought Bill the owner as being weird, but figured he was protective of his crew of young girls.
He prepared my tuna sand and then left me by myself.
I was in a grumpy mood and only finished half the sandwich before walking out.
Bill was a being a real jerk and I was fed up with him.
That night I was extra tired, so went to bed early. About 9:30
As usual, I had no problem getting to sleep. But in the middle of the night I awoke in sever pain everywhere. My arm and legs hurt. My hands hurt.
I was afraid of all the pain and seriously thought I might be dying. I did not know what to do.
I think it was around three in the morning when I got out of bend so I could try to walk around and getting myself moving. I was cautious with my first steps, but the then felt okay. Maybe I wasn’t going to die.
I had been eating at New Day Bakery for years, and was used to the
FBI or Schwab Secret Service Agents lurking about. Bill, the owner, was an old hippie and seemed too ignored who I assumed were Schwab’s Secret Service agents.


May 17, 2024

Hanna in corner booth at New Day Bakery: Vintage 2007?