Schwab & US Government Spies

Charles Schwab’s secret service companies and their hackers have been monitoring the author’s Internet and email activities since the last part of 2001. The Bush administration joined him in these activities in 2002. Since they joined in a conspiracy to silence the author, he has been subjected to unrelenting stalking, harassment, sting operations, computer hacking, and attempts to kill him. These illegal activities against him have continued for eighteen years.

Despite dozens of complaints and requests for protection at all levels of government, and through his representatives in Congress, he has been ignored, while Schwab and government crimes against him continue.

Despite their illusion of living in a democracy with freedom & equal rights, the fate of all Americans, including every member of the US government, is in the hands of Zionist psychopaths like Mr. Schwab. The US government is but a huge puppet show directed from Israel and AIPAC.

In this Post we will introduce a sample of some of people who have prostituted themselves by assisting Schwab and the US government in their efforts to silence the author.

September 29, 2020

Please Note:

Schwab & Trump’s latest sting operation against author Wayne Pierce:

For the past couple years Schwab & US secret service agencies have used Nancy Russell as a female patsy in yet another sting operation against the author. Nancy’s job has been to pose as a would be friend & lover for the purpose of gathering information and setting Wayne Pierce up in a sting operation “Julian Assange style” (the female leads the guy on & then when he becomes aggressive and ignores her admonition to stop, she has him arrested for sexual abuse.

Only at the behest of America could the life of a fine human like Julian Assange be ruined by patsies working as whores for the US government.

Concerning Nancy Russell’s role, the author wrote to Mr. Schwab twice making him aware that use of secret service agents in sting operations was  well known. Once more he requested Schwab & the US government to remove their three or four spies from his neighborhood & get out of his life. Schwab & the US government were advised that if they refused to stop their surveillance & sting operations, the author and his associates would re-publish this blog. In their arrogance, Schwab & US government ignored the fact that all their supposedly secret service agents had blown their cover and were well known. They not only ignored our warnings, but increased their stalking and entrapment efforts. This is why our blog is back  online.

It is not clear whether actions against the author are orchestrated from Schwab’s secret service company, the US government, or Israel’s Mossad, or as a joint effort.

From the time the author met Nancy Russell we have suspected she was working with FBI agent John Ferreira, or NSA agent Ken Willis & partners. Nancy was joining the many other Eugene patsies Ferreira has recruited over the years. Being an amateur, Nancy Russell was inept as a spy and her role against the author soon became obvious. Being so advised, she repeatedly denied the role as an undercover agent and expressed her love for the author. The author reminded her he was extra sensitive because Ken Willis & another female agent had previously attempted an amateurish sting operation that failed miserably. One might wonder why, after this great failure, NSA was stilling paying Ken Willis to spy on the author.

The author told Nancy Russell he was aware of John Ferreira’s role in recruiting his primary doctor, his psychologist, & his book consultant patsies–for the purpose of convincing him his story was based on false information from Mr. Schwab’s former lover Kim. The author’s book consultant went to great lengths in her attempt to convince the author that Kim was insane. She naively explained that her analysis of Kim’s emotional health was based on reading the author’s book. His book consultant’s role as an FBI patsy was so obvious he fired her on the spot. The effort to protect Schwab has been terribly naive. However, with the seriousness of Schwab’s crimes, the only option available for protecting him was to silence the author.

We have been aware of John Ferreira, Ken Willis, Nancy Russell, and other’s conspiracy against author Wayne Pierce for years. Advising Schwab and the US government of our suspicions about these illegal activities does not deter them from pursuing him.

Schwab’s surveillance and crimes against the author began in 2002. Charles Schwab and the US government’s not so secret services have been stalking and attempting to silence the author since 2003.

July 14, 2017

Undercover FBI agents Ken Willis & partners
Ken Willis is also discussed under the President Donald Trump Post

The US government moved Ken Willis onto my street many years ago so he could spy on the author and participate in an elaborate sting operation almost two years ago. We suspect it is Ken Willis and his live-in FBI partner who are monitoring the author’s Internet activities and phones. We also suspect he is the one tracking the author’s cell phone. We suspect he is the one using the NSA Mobile Snoop system to monitor the author’s cell phone. The author has written to President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and requested they discontinue their illegal activities against the author. The author has also requested that undercover agent Ken Willis be removed from his neighborhood. As of last week, nothing has changed.


September 24, 2016

Schwab/FBI secret service agents, Wayne Pierce
Since our update in July, I have encountered three undercover agents in person and several online. Dealing with these vermin is worse than a bad case of  crotch crabs.

The last time the FBI hacked this blog, this post went missing. So we are rebuilding and adding text. Charles Schwab and the FBI have been stalking the author and hacking his computers for fifteen years.

July 18, 2016

Ongoing Sting Operations
Since my distant relationship with Benita (following story) Schwab and FBI stalking has continued unabated. A sample of these encounters will be discussed in our next book.

March 18, 2016

Secret Service Agents used to trap innocent men
Benita Nelson shown below is the latest secret service agent used to set me up in a sting operation. Isn’t it amazing that so many women would accept money for attempting to send innocent men to prison, especially when it involves phony relationships with men. Secret Service activities include harassment, information gathering, and romantic enticement. The goal of romantic involvement is to engage the man in necking, petting, and arousal, that might lead to “unwanted” attempted sexual intercourse. In these cases the agent might willingly crawl in bed with the man naked and have a wonderful time. But if the man initiates sexual activity against her will, meaning she says, No, but he proceeds anyway, he will find himself arrested and thrown in prison for sexual abuse. Given the seriousness of my case with Zionist billionaire Charles Schwab, I suspect I would remain in Solitary Confinement for the rest of my life. I discuss various types of encounters with undercover agents in my books.

Following is a small sample of more recent encounters with suspected women secret service agents working for Schwab &/or the FBI:


Hannah on Left Is a Stalker & Sting agent
Loves to drink wine and act sexy
Very dangerous
Fall for her come on & you’re finished


Lovely little lady
Touch her improperly and you’re headed to the tank


Smoking hot pants
Come and get it
Clime in bed & end up in prison



Very sophisticated British type
Lacks training and experience

Wheaton_matchmaking_53954704.2Old Faithful
 Teaches Mystical Healing
Long term Stalker



Hot & Juicy Vivian
Loves to talk about sex & her multiple orgasms
Thoughts about going to heaven
Can quickly lead one to hell
This one is tough to read
Very dangerous



Lacks training & experience
Very amateurish
You can feel my nice Implants
She whines a lot
I am hungry for sex & need some pot
(not yet legal in Oregon)
Let’s go to your place
Taking me to bed is a quick way to land in prison 



Big tease with huge tits
Says she speaks Russian
Touch my tits & you’ll wish you were joining
Edward Snowden in Russia
An amateur spy
Easy to read



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